Recording perfectly sunset with your 360 Degree Camera

Time for confessions: how many times have you wanted to take a photo of a sunset (or sunrise), but somehow, the photo wasn’t as beautiful as the scene we witness with our own eyes? Taking photos of sunsets with 360 cameras is better than doing so with your phone. After all, these cameras have a variety of options you can use to your advantage. For the purpose of mastering your digital photography skills, I’m about to show you how to capture a perfect sunset with your new 360 camera.

In most cases, photos of sunsets don’t show the results you expect, i.e. you get a faded or almost washed out photo like the one you can see below:

The photo was taken with automatic settings, and our job here is to learn how to avoid this mistake from happening again. Here is the easy process of taking perfect sunrise and sunset photos:

  •  First, you have to select the proper shooting mode. In this case, it’s Program
    mode, and to activate it, you just have to turn the mode dial to P.
  • Once you select the program mode, you can move on to press the exposure compensation button. In most cases, it’s labeled with + or -, but to be on the safe side, check the camera’s manual and see if that’s the case in the model you own.
  • First, you should deliberately underexpose your shot by selecting the negative value of the compensation; -l is a perfect starting point. Bear in mind that some 360 cameras require holding the compensation button while you’re making adjustments. This is also something that you can only read in your manual.
  • Change the value of the compensation perfect starting point. Bear in mind that some 360 cameras require holding the compensation button while you’re making adjustments. This is also something that you can only read in your manual.
  • Change the value of the compensation until you’re happy with the image. For instance, if the image still seems faded or washed out and bright, you should opt for a bigger value, such as -1.5 or -2. On the other hand, if the image seems too dark, then you just have to decrease the value, e.g.-0.5 or-0.3.
  • Repeat the process until you’re happy with the sunset or sunrise photo you captured.
  • Remember, once you take the photo, return the compensation back to o; otherwise, all your upcoming photos will turn out to be darker than usual.

Here’s how the sunset looks after implementing the adjustments listed above:


You can see how different between a normal cam and a 360 one to understand how it works. Besides, read these posts to enlarge your knowledge about 360 camera:

How I choose the perfect 360 cam for my trips

Some interesting features in 360 Degree Camera that you should know

How to use 360 camera for capturing daily life

How to get more with focus with a 360 camera?

Recording perfectly sunset with your 360 Degree Camera

How to Blur Portrait Backgrounds in 360 camera