Metering is the camera’s natural way of accommodating for your exposure triangle settings. When you adjust the aperture, the ISO, and the shutter speed, the camera will automatically assess all areas in the photo – both light and dark – and set a default exposure that averages the entire image to middle gray. Middle gray is the reason why all of your photos come out just a little darker than the natural setting, and this is to protect the light and color in each photo. That is the reason why you need to choose the best 360 degree camera 2016 today.
But just as you modify everything in your exposure triangle, you can also modify your Canon’s metering. Adjusting metering is an advanced concept that can be a little tricky for beginners to get a hang of. But the more you play around \vith it, the more you will understand what different adjustments do for your photographs. It can easily be done at any time, and you can even change the meter when you change your exposure triangle. In order to change your meter, note the set button surrounded by four buttons to the right of your LCD screen.
The left button in the circle will be noted by the eye symbol representative of meter. Hold this button down and move through your metering options with the grooved dial used to adjust aperture and shutter speed as well. Then press the set button in order to make your adjustments permanent. On your Canon 360 camera, there are three modes for metering. Just as with white balance (discussed in the next chapter) they are known as Evaluative Metering, Center-Weighed Metering, and Partial Metering. Other tips about flash you also need to understand.
Evaluative mode is the most automatic setting. The camera will automatically divide the picture into 4 equal parts, take the best out of each part, and adjust the exposure to accommodate those best parts. This is the ideal setting for taking pictures in darker areas as your camera will automatically choose the lightest images. Center-weighed focuses on the main focal point of your photo and adjusts the exposure based on them. You should read more 360 camera tips to understand more about this technology.
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The Exposure 360 Triangle: Aperture, ISO, and Shutter Speed
It is best used if you are taking a back-lit portrait and need to adjust in order to light up the subject’s face, as discussed in the previous chapter. Partial metering is used only when you want to take a picture of a specific tiling and ignore the elements of the background. A bird taking flight, a spinning top, or a blooming flower are all prime examples of when partial metering is your best bet.
Metering can be used along with the exposure triangle in order to give you the best image possible. If you’ve adjusted your aperture, ISO, and shutter speed for a sweeping landscape shot of the Grand Canyon, and your aperture is set with a wide depth of field, make sure your metering is on evaluative in order to capture the right amount of light.
On the other hand, if you’re photographing your family in front of the Grand Canyon, adjust your meter to Center-Weighed in order to stress the importance of light on your true focus – the family members – as opposed to the landscape background. Managing your meter effectively will only come with practice. Luckily, your Canon 360 camera’s automatic settings for meter are spot on, meaning you’ll rarely have to change them once you’ve adjusted your exposure triangle. You will only have to change it around if you find that your camera is not focusing on the proper subject of your photograph.
That’s when you have the opportunity to take artistic control and override the default settings.